Poster awards

Outstanding science by the future generation of clay-radwaste scientists was specifically highlighted at the 9th Clay Conference.
Scientists belonging to one of the following three groups were invited to participate in the poster award.

Congratulations to all winners!

From left to right: Dr. Theresa Hennig, Gilles Corman, Han Ming Lai, Anna Golubko, Camille Rolland, Nadine Kanik, Rushan Wang, Norihisa Osawa; not on the picture: Dr. Eriko Minari
Icon Awards - The 9th Clay Conference 2024


are enrolled in a tertiary education programme at any university, including
doctoral studies/PhD, Master and Bachelor students.

The winners are:

Camille Rolland
from EPFL for her poster “Harnessing microbial processes consuming hydrogen in radioactive waste repositories”. She is invited to present her work at the BioGeo Colloquium of the University of Jena.

Han Ming Lai
from Imperial College London for his poster “Implications of groundwater composition on the performance of bentonite components in nuclear waste disposal facilities”. He is invited to present his work at the EURAD-2 WP ANCHORS PhD School 2025.

Nadine J. Kanik
from Polish Academy of Science, Krakow for her poster “Tracking bentonite-water interactions by stable-H- and O-isotope exchange over a thermal gradient: First isotopic results from the Alternative Buffer Materials 2 and 5 bentonites”. She is invited to present her work at the AIPEA Early Career Clay Scientists (ECCS) webinar.

Rushan Wang
from WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF for her poster “Differentiation of fractures and rock mass deformation in clay rocks by Machine Learning”. She is invited to present her work at the EURAD-2 Lunch & Learn Webinar.

Example 1: Robin Smith is enrolled in a PhD programme in Geoscience at the University of Capital City and wants to present his research at the Clay Conference 2024.

Example 2: Lisa Williams is a master student in Computing in Civil Engineering and wants to present her research results at the Clay Conference 2024.

Icon Awards - The 9th Clay Conference 2024

Early Career Researchers

highest tertiary degree has been awarded within the last 5 years
before the Clay Conference 2024.

The winners are:


Dr. Eriko Minari
from National Institute of Environmental Studies for her poster “Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling of cesium for the final disposal of radioactively contaminated waste outside of Fukushima Prefecture”. She is invited to present her work at the BGR Radwaste Colloquium.

Gilles Corman
from University of Liège for his poster “3D Hydro-Mechanical modelling to support the design of the REG experiment in the Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone”. He is invited to present his work at the Webinar at Swiss society “Geotechnik Schweiz“.

Dr. Theresa Hennig
from German Research Centre for Geosciences for her poster “Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay – one experiment with multiple numerical geochemical solutions”. She is invited to present her work at the Belgian Programme Webinar.

Norihisa Osawa
from Taiheiyo Consultant Co., Ltd. for his poster “Experimental Study on Evaluation Method of Apparent Erosion Rate Constant of Bentonite using X-ray CT Images”. He is invited to present his work at Geo Colloquium of the University of Jena.

Example 1: Mary Miller has received her PhD in 2022 and works now at a research center as a post doc.

Example 2: Laura Peterson has received her PhD in 2020 and worked in the field of cavern storage. She has shifted careers to radioactive waste and started working at BASE in 2023. She cannot apply for “Radwaste Starters poster award“ because she finished her PhD less than 5 years ago.

Icon Awards - The 9th Clay Conference 2024

Radwaste Starters

highest tertiary degree has been awarded more than 5 years before the Clay Conference 2024 but they have started working in the radwaste field less than 3 years before the Clay Conference 2024.

The winner is:

Anna Golubko
from German Research Centre for Geosciences for her poster “Current status of the in-situ interaction experiment at the Bukov URF”. She is invited to present her work at the EURAD-2 Lunch & Learn Webinar.

Example: Michael Jones has received his PhD in 1985 and worked in the oil industry for the last 35 years. He has shifted careers to radioactive waste and started working at BGE in 2022.

What can you win?

Winners of the poster award will be announced at the closing ceremony on Thursday Nov. 28, 2024 and shall be announced on the conference’s website to offer long-term promotion of the awardees. Moreover, the winners will receive the opportunity to present their research in more detail in the aftermath of the Clay Conference 2024 to a professional audience. For that, the awardees will be invited to give a talk in (virtual) seminars in organisations and institutes working in the research field of the presented work. Details will be organised between the host organisations and the winners of the poster award with support by the Clay Conference 2024 local organising committee.

What do you need to do to participate in the poster award?

If you have selected one of the above mentioned groups and have been selected to present your research as a poster at the Clay Conference 2024 you will be invited to:

Once your abstract has been assigned to a poster presentation you will be invited to upload a 2-minute video presenting the research you intend to present on the poster until 30th of September 2024. The video must be uploaded in your ConfTool account as a .mp4, .avi or .pptx file and cannot exceed 120 seconds. The file size is limited to 50 MB. It is up to you how you choose to present the contents of your poster. This could be a video recording of yourself next to the printed poster or a narrated slide presentation (voice over) or any other creative solution. All videos will be visible to all registered conference participants to support the abstracts in advertising the presented research and to increase the scientific exchange at your physical poster during the traditional poster session. Your video will be judged based on the below judging scheme by scientific experts of your discipline.
The judgement of the above described 2-minute videos results in a ranking. The presenters of the top 30 videos will be asked to present their research as a two minute presentation (flash talk) on stage during the plenary sessions of the Clay Conference 2024. This 2-minute presentation on stage is not judged for the poster award.
Please see Poster presentation for details on how to prepare and present your poster alongside all other participants. Even if your video has not been ranked in the top 30 (see above) you still participate in the poster award. Your poster and your knowledge will be judged during this traditional poster session by scientific experts of your discipline. Scores of the 2-minute video will be combined with the scores of the traditional poster session (see more information below).

How will the videos and posters be judged?

Experts will watch your video in advance of the conference and judge it considering the presentation style, scientific impact, explanation of motivation of the study, and the novelty. The top 30 presenters from this round will present their research as a two-minute presentation (flash talk) on stage using a maximum of two slides each during the plenary sessions of the Clay Conference 2024. The uploaded video will not be shown at this occasion. The expert judges will further look at the posters during the respective poster session at the Clay Conference 2024. They will discuss with you during the poster session to judge the poster considering the presentation style, especially how knowledgeable you are in exchange with the judge, and the study design (data, methodology, conclusions). Video and poster session scores will be combined to determine the overall poster award winners. The exact details on judging can be found in the judging sheet.
